The Listing Types facility allows you to store listing content in a more organized way and makes it more accessible to your visitors.

Each listing type is isolated and has its own index page, search facility, set of categories, products and form fields.

Creating an initial listing type is a primary post-installation step as no listing types are added by the installation routine.

Please note that the first listing type in the list is treated as a primary one and its index page becomes a website index page.

Visit "Administrator - Settings - Listing Types" and click "Add Listing Type" button to add your listing type.

There are several predefined listing type you can select in the "Listing Type" dropdown. These are mostly used to set the appropritate attributes for SEO and enable some type-specific features:

Local Business
Job Posting
Blog Posting

Listing type name must be specified in singular and plural forms. For local business listings use "Listing" as a singular and "Listings" as a pluralized version of the type name.

The slug is used to access the type via URL, e.g.: https://your-domain.tld/listings. It is created automatically while you type in the plural version of the type name and can be modified. Make sure to include only alphanumeric characters and dashes.

You can enable geopositioning and reviews for each type. Please note that it is impossible to toggle the geopositioning for an existing type.

For the type to allow a limited number of listings per user set the "Per-user Listing Limit" option to any positive number. "0" means no limitation.

It is possible to set multiple parent types for the listing type. For example, you can allow listing owners link their products and services to their company profile. You can also link the type to itself.

Set the "Linked Rating Categories" for the review of this type to include. New rating categories can be added under "Administrator - Settings - Rating Categories". Note that these ratings are not used to calculate listing average rating.

Make sure to set the appropriate "Address Format" for the type if locations are enabled. This is a compatible HTML code with field name patterns included that will be replaced with real values on the listing template. Here is the description of the field patterns you can use:

{address} - listing "Address" field value.
{zip} - "Zip / Postal Code" field value.
{location_1}, {location_2}, {location_3} etc - is replaced with listing location level 1, level 2 and level 3. There can be an unlimited number of levels.

For example, if you have your listing linked to the "United States" with "California" as a sub-location and "Los Angeles" as a sub-location of "California", please, use {location_1} for "United States", {location_2} for "California" and {location_3} for "Los Angeles" in the address template. If some of your locations do not have that level, an empty string will be returned for the pattern.

It is possible to moderate new or updated listing submissions by enabling the appropriate setting of the listing type. The system administrator will receive an email notification on listing submission or update and the listing owner will receive a confirmation on listing approval. The same rules apply to listing reviews and messages approval process. Please note that listings can be approved automatically if the "Auto-approve Listings" option is enabled for the listing pricing level as it overrides the listing type setting.