
Google Social Login Activation

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Google Social Login Activation
by Nicholas
3 years ago


Support Dept.

To activate the Google Social Login module you have to set the Google Client ID and Client Secret Key under 'Administrator - Settings - Users - Google Login Settings'.

These credentials can be obtained at

Click the 'My Project' dropdown that appears in the top menu to the right of the Google APIs logo. This  will open a popup. Click the 'New Project' link in the top-right corner of the popup. On the 'New Project' page set your 'Project Name' and click the 'Create' button. Now click the top menu 'My Project' dropdown and select your recently created project from the list.

When on the project page, click the 'Credentials' link in the left menu block. Click the 'Configure Consent Screen' button. Choose 'External' User Type and click the 'Create' button. On the app registration page provide your 'App name' that will appear on the login screen, your 'User support email' and upload your 'App logo' (optional). In the 'App Domain' section of the form please provide your 'Application home page' - your directory domain name, e.g:, 'Application privacy policy link' and 'Application terms of service link'. Note that privacy policy link is required for your app to be activated. In the 'Authorized Domains' section you have to pre-register your app domain name. This domain name must be verified via your Google Search Console. Now set your 'Developer Contact Information' email address and click the 'Save and Continue' button. On the 'Scopes' step click 'Add or Remove Scopes'. On the scopes page select all available scopes in the list:, userinfo.profile, openid and click 'Update'. Now click 'Save and Continue' button that appears in the bottom of the 'Scopes' page. On the 'Test Users' step click 'Save and Continue'. Click the 'Back to Dashboard' button if the presented app details are correct. Now click the 'Publish App' button to make your app available to your users.

Click 'Credentials' link in the left menu block. Click 'Create Credentials' button and select 'OAuth Client ID'. On the 'Application Type' step select 'Web Application' option. Now set the internal client name of your OAuth 2.0 client. The 'Authorized redirect URIs' must include the following path: Click 'Create'. Your Client ID and Client Secret will appear in the popup.

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