
Facebook Social Login Activation

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Facebook Social Login Activation
by Nicholas
3 years ago


Support Dept.

To activate the Facebook Social Login module you have to set the Facebook App ID and Facebook App Secret Key under 'Administrator - Settings - Users - Facebook Login Settings'.

The required App ID and App Key can be obtained at

Click 'My Apps' in the top menu and the  'Create App' button that will appear. This will open a popup. Choose 'Build Connected Experiences' and click 'Continue'. Set the application display name, contact email and business manager account (optional) to be associated with the app. Click 'Create App' when ready.

Now it is time to add products to your app. Choose 'Facebook Login' and on the next page select 'Web' as an app platform. On the next page set your website URL, e.g.: Click 'Continue'. On second, third and forth steps: 'Set Up the Facebook SDK for Javascript', 'Check Login Status' and 'Add the Facebook Login Button' click 'Next'.

Choose 'My Apps' in the top menu and click the social login app icon to enter its settings page. In the very bottom of the dashboard page find the 'Facebook Login' in the 'My Products' section. Click 'Settings' for this 'Facebook Login' card.

Under 'Client OAuth Settings' enter your redirect URL in the 'Valid OAuth Redirect URIs' field. The URL must include your domain name and path to the phpListings authorization controller, e.g.: Click 'Save Changes'.

Since the app is in the development mode now you have to activate it by providing your Privacy Policy page URL in 'Settings - Basic - Privacy Policy URL' of the app page, e.g.: In the 'App Purpose' field below choose 'Yourself or your own business' and click 'Save Changes' button in the bottom of the page. Now click the toggle button in the top app section that says 'In development'. In the open popup window select appropriate category for your app and click 'Switch Mode' button.

The 'App ID' and 'App Secret' can be obtained from the app page now. Use these in your phpListings settings page as described above.

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