
Customer support operating hours

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Customer support operating hours
by josh2803
2 years ago


License Owner

I use phpMyDirectory with Listimia template on my website. Since no support and updates are provided for phpMyDirectory I am looking to replace it with different active non-WP software. Your script meets all my requirements and I am excited to start transferring my data. I may have lots of questions as a novice phpListings user. What are your support hours and location or timezone so I can plan my work.

Re: Customer support operating hours
by Nicholas
2 years ago


Support Dept.

Hello Josh and welcome to the community!

Thank you for choosing phpListings. We provide support via email and support tickets, Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4 PM EST

If you need help transferring your phpMyDirectory data, please submit a support ticket with your request.

Thank you.

Re: Customer support operating hours
by josh2803
2 years ago


License Owner

Thanks for your prompt reply and quick installation.

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