
Advertising formats

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Advertising formats
by mtzweb
3 years ago


License Owner

Can I add Adsense advertising?
Can I add more spaces and sizes of advertising on all the pages of the site?
Where is advertising added or edited in the administrator? I do not locate this function in the demo.

Thank you.

Re: Advertising formats
by Nicholas
3 years ago


Support Dept.


you can add banner ads to any page easily using the 'Banner' widget. It can include up to 3 Adsense or JavaScript / HTML banners that will appear in a Bootstrap responsive horizontal grid - suitable for any mobile device resolution.

When logged in as admin, please, navigate to website home page and click the 'Edit Page' link in the top menu. This will bring you to the widgets manager. 'Edit' the 'Banner' widget to find the sample banner code included into the demo. Note that you can place this widget to any page of your website.

Thank you.

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